
The School Daily Schedule



10:00 - Arrival

10:05 - Prayer, Play Circle, Calendar and Rhythm

Conversation Play Circle: Free conversation while playing, about teacher or student initiated topic. Calendar: introduction to the day of the week, months, year, weather and seasons. Rhythm: Recitation of monthly rhymes and songs.

10:20 - Language/ Audio Visual class

Language Arts: Reading, Writing, Grammar, Vocabulary and Spellings AV: Phonics - ABC, Rhymes, GK, etc .

10:40 - Math (Counting and Number recognition).

10:50 - Creative Art

Art & Crafts: Painting, Drawing, Colouring, Cutting and Pasting, etc.

11:20 - Indoor / Outdoor Activity

Indoor / Outdoor Activity: Gymnastics, Art & Crafts, Science experiments, Walk and Theme activities Active Play: Rhythm, Balance, Coordination, and Movement.

11:45 - Lunch Time (A lunch from home is required.)

Lunch Time: Children practice table manners and have free conversation about their lunches.

12:20 - Daily Activity (Manipulation Task)

Manipulation Tasks: This activity is to help children acquire fine motor and gross motor skills Each activity is to provide self initiated individual learning Dramatic Play: Role playing, Pretending.

12:20 - Daily Activity (Manipulation Task)

Manipulation Tasks: This activity is to help children acquire fine motor and gross motor skills Each activity is to provide self initiated individual learning Dramatic Play: Role playing, Pretending.

12:40 - Circle Time (Daily Review, Story, Movie)

Circle Time: Show and Tell.

12:55 - Good-bye song.

13:00 - Off to home

Off to home: Get ready to go home and sing the good-bye song, 




9:00 - Arrival

9:05 - Assembly, Calendar and Rhythm

Assembly: Chanting of prayer along with the teacher in the assembly hall. Calendar: Introduction to the day of the week, months, year, weather and seasons. Rhythm: Recitation of monthly rhymes and songs

9:20 -- Indoor / Outdoor Activity

Outdoor Activity: Gymnastics, Taekwondo, Skating indoor Activity: Dance, Dramatics, Science experiments, Walk and Theme activities Active Play: Rhythm, Balance, Coordination, and Movement

9: 40- Language

Subjects: English and Hindi Language Arts: Reading, Writing, Grammar, Vocabulary and Spellings

10:20 - Creative Art/ Indoor Activity

Art & Crafts: Painting, Drawing, Colouring, Cutting and Pasting, clay modelling etc Indoor Activity: Dance, Dramatics, Science experiments, Walk and Theme activities

11:00 - Lunch Time (A lunch from home is required.)

Lunch Time: Children practice table manners and have free conversation about their lunches

11:30 - Mathematics

12:10 - Daily Activity (Manipulation Task)

Manipulation Tasks: This activity is to help children acquire fine motor and gross motor skills Each activity is to provide self initiated individual learning Dramatic Play: Role playing, Pretending.

12:30 - Circle Time (Daily Review, Story, Movie)

Circle Time: Show and Tell

12:40 - Good-bye song

12.45 - Dispersal in queue

13:00 - Off to home

Off to home: Get ready to go home and sing the good-bye song.

Mini Field Trips

As per our Annual Calendar, regular field trips are organized for the student's to enable rich, natural & experiential learning environment. on their performance, a focused program is created to improvise performances in required areas which is then reviewed every month by senior teachers.